WWAMM FASHIONS- MENS SUITS is your exclusive online mens fashions store. This article was taken from theguidetomenssuits.com.
The Rizzoli Suit
The Rizzoli suit is Italian made using fabrics collected from large fabric companies throughout the world. These suits are handmade and can be found in a variety of styles.
Styles are classic Italian with flap pockets and single vents. Designs and cuts give off a regal look, perfect for some offices and formal events.
Materials are made from some of the finest wools. Look for super 140's at super low prices. The fabric on these models makes these suits great for your luxury editions.
Both traditional shades and absurd colors can be found depending on your preference. Look to find your particular color quicker for this brand than designers that only come out with a few lines a year.
Prices tend to range greatly between vendors. I've seen these suits range from $200 to $1,000.
Men looking for a bargain on a nice luxury suit should use this brands name obscurity to obtain one cheap.