WWAMM FASHIONS- MENS SUITS is your exclusive online mens fashions store. This article was taken from theguidetomenssuits.com.
Hart Schaffner Marx:
Hart Schaffner Marx make fantastic garments by any industry standard. Classy 3 piece suits, powerful business attire and much more come from these gentlemen.
Innovations such as the zipper in mens pants, all wool suits, and fabric testing laboratories have all sprung up in the HSM facilities first.
However, today you still will not find a wide product line from this company. They have decided to stick with what they know best which is now and will always be mens suits.
Traditional patterns and cuts with a well rounded lineup for a multitude of different body types.
Wool dominates the HSM scene but some blends can be found in their older suits as well as their newer models.
Colors are limited to the more common hues but versatile enough to fit any complexion that might want to wear it.
Retail prices for these suits range from $700 to $800. Look for discounts on online stores and you'll quickly find a better deal.
Sophistication and traditional cuts make this suit a nice versatile piece to your collection.