WWAMM FASHIONS- MENS SUITS is your exclusive online mens fashions store. This article was taken from theguidetomenssuits.com.
The Haspel Suit:
The Haspel suit is literally the coolest suit you can buy. This company makes suits that are great for warm climates.
For almost 100 years this company has been designing and creating quality suits for men trying to keep cool in their formal clothes. Almost a century has passed and the company has expanded well beyond its humble beginnings in New Orleans.
The styles of these suits are mostly relaxed - they are warm weather suits after all. This suit makes a perfect leisure or casual suit. Wear these to outdoor social events and feel cool all day long.
Materials have traditionally been seersucker and 100% linen. In recent years however, the company has moved towards new age materials and has even expanded to the traditional year round wool suits. New materials include perfect poplin, pinfeather, and madras.
Colors can really get light, bright, and festive. Look to easily find any summer or spring color in this lineup.
Prices can be as low as $300 dollars which makes this suit the best value for a summer suit on the market.
This company makes the best spring and summer suits on the market. You won't another company that comes close to providing this quality at such a low price point.