WWAMM FASHIONS- MENS SUITS is your exclusive online mens fashions store. This article was taken from theguidetomenssuits.com.
Dress Up Clothes
"Accessories are the spice of life."
- John Varvinni
Wearing accessories with your dress up clothes has never been easier. Everyone should know by now that good suits will need to be accompanied with dress shirts, ties, shoes, and socks. A poorly put together outfit can make even the most expensive suit look terrible. Conversely a person can take a suit that cost them next to nothing and make it look fabulous.
How To Tie A Tie
This page will tell you how to tie a tie. The particular method we are going to use is called the Windsor Knot. This will produce a wide triangular knot, which is in fact, named after King Edward VII.
So let's start by selecting a tie. The tie will be placed inside the collar of your button down shirt. Standing in front of a mirror, place the tie with the big end on the right side, approximately 12 inches below the small end.
Now, cross the big end over the smaller end, bringing the big end up through loop between your collar and your tie and bringing the big end back down. Pull the big end underneath the small end and to the right, once again back through the loop, to the right again which will now make the big end inside out.
Now, bring the big end across the front of your shirt from right to left. Pull the big end once again through the loop, bringing the big end down through the knot in front.
Finally, using both hands, tighten the knot carefully and draw it up to the collar. Viola! You have just tied your first Windsor Knot!