WWAMM FASHIONS- MENS SUITS is your exclusive online mens fashions store. This article was taken from theguidetomenssuits.com.
Suit Care
"Respect yourself and your possessions."
- Sylvia Black
Suit care should be on the top of your to do list once you purchase your suit. Some things to consider are: dry cleaning, tailoring, storage and moth protection.
Moth Protection - It would be a great tragedy if you wore a $1,000.00 suit once and then found it had been eaten by moths the second time you went to wear it.
The Art of Moth Protection:
Moth protection is a must for anybody keeping suits in their house. These little insects can cause big problems in a matter of seconds. Unless you plan on keeping an eye on all your suits at all times you should take measures to protect them.
The biggest enemy to the moth besides your fly swatter and array of poisons is cedar. These bugs despise the pleasant smell of cedar and will not go near it. A cedar closet is the ideal body guard for your clothes. However, cedar hangers are much more affordable, portable, and financially viable.
A note of caution when using cedar wood is that it will eventually start to lose potency. The quick and easy solution is to just take some sand paper to the wood and unlock the magic again. If you don't like to sand you can always buy cedar spray to liven things up again as well.