Wednesday, April 22, 2009


WWAMM FASHIONS-MENS SUITS is your exclusive online mens fashions store. This article was taken from

Dolce Gabbana Suits:

Dolce Gabbana suits are not the only items these designers are making these days. Also known as D and G, the company makes a wide line of clothing and has even introduced trance music to their money making empire.

Staying on topic.

This company was spawned in 1982 and has continued to grow at a rapid pace. They opened their first location in Tokyo and are even now expanding to a multitude of countries.

Outlandish patterns, designs, and cuts. Do not wear D and G to your traditional office job. Do wear this designer on a night out on the town or to your art exhibits.

They really can't be nailed down to one material so I won't even try.

Colors go from traditional solids all the way to animal print designs. Drop your crowns on the counter and the clerk should be able to find a color suit to match each color crayon.

Prices seem to have a wide spectrum so shop around until you find something that matches your budget.

These designers are on the cutting edge of fashion. Buy whatever model suits you best, just try not to get cut.